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Creative Concept
Totale: 8 risultati.
Tag: Company:Unilever
Dove Real Beauty Sketches
  Dove Real Beauty Sketches Women are their own worst beauty critics. Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful. At Dove, we are committed to creating a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. So, we decided to conduct a compelling social experiment that explores how women view their own beauty in contrast to what others see. ( &nb ...
Dirt is Good -- The making of "Futures"
  Dirt is Good -- The making of "Futures" Dirt is Good. Especially when it's the result of your kids going out into the world to have fun, explore, learn and create. To illustrate this, we asked 3-times World champion sand artist, JooHeng Tan to build a series of 18-ton dirt sculptures showing kids' futures. (    
Magnum 5 Kisses
  Magnum 5 Kisses we created five unique games, all set in Paris, where the prince is kidnapped and you, the heroine, set out to save him. Via a partnership with Twitter, a bird is there to help you along the way. When you succeed, you’re rewarded with a “kiss”, and the possibility to brag to your friends via social media.(  
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Lifebuoy Handle on Hygiene
Lifebuoy Handle on Hygiene Lifebuoy, creators of the world’s number 1 selling germ protection soap, launched an impactful shopper activation campaign to highlight the dangers of bacteria found on supermarket shopping trollies. ‘Handle on Hygiene’ is an innovation attached to shopping trolley handles that, when swiped across, applies a thin layer of sanitiser liquid, killing 99.9% of bacteri ...
Domestos - See Through Loo
  Domestos - See Through Loo In its global fight against germs, Domestos partners with UNICEF on the problem of open defecation – over a billion people worldwide have no access to toilets. We wanted the people who take privacy for granted to experience this horror first-hand. Inspired by the Domestos brand purpose, ‘to provide safe, germ free toilets for all’, we created a fully functioni ...
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Microsoft Multiscreen campaign
Persil Small & Mighty and Microsoft Multiscreen campaign case study Unilever and Mindshare set Microsoft a challenge - Build a multiscreen marketing solution across the Microsoft eco-system of products, and create a successful media formula that could become both scalable and repeatable in the future. Here is what we come up with. (
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The Kan Khajura Station
The Kan Khajura Station Lowe Lintas and Unilever have pioneered a new mobile media channel, made available in certain Indian provinces where power isn't yet available 25/7 making the mobile phone the key means of communication and now entertainment. This campaign, a first in India, is more of a service, delivering 15 minutes a day of free music, comedy and chat to anyone who wants it, interspers ...
Emakina - Yunomi
Emakina - Yunomi Emakina developed a multi-country platform for women by woman, it allows women to participate. The primary medium is an online based community where consumers can read touching, interesting or practical stories. Women can exchange personal stories, recipes and practical tips. A daily section called Woman of the day puts a spotlight on one community member every day, sharing the  ...
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