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Creative Concept
Totale: 30 risultati.
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Steve Jobs
Steven Paul Jobs was an American entrepreneur, marketer and inventor, who was the cofounder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. Through Apple, he is widely recognized as a charismatic and design-driven pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields, transforming "one industry after another, from computers and smartphones to m ...
Coca-Cola created a marketing campaign that teens felt was for them, using channels and content that spoke directly to them: They changed the colour of Coke's iconic red cans by launching a new range of limited edition multi-coloured cans that teens could collect, play with and share. The cans were also readable codes that unlocked a hidden, colo ...
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We're sorry - #holidayspam
Three Feel At Home allows you to call and text back home and use data, at no extra cost, like you would at home. We sincerely apologise for any holiday spam that floods your social media. (
U.S. Navy Project Architeuthis
Project Architeuthis is the first Alternate Reality Game ever launched by a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces for recruitment purposes. Its mission was to engage those with a mind for Cryptology, a hard-to-find (and harder-to–recruit) target that represents less than .0004% of the U.S. population. For 18 days, Project Architeuthis played out across Navy social media platforms, challenging born probl ...
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Jim Stengel
Jim Stengel (born James R. Stengel on May 5, 1955) is an American businessman, author, professor, and public speaker. He served as the global MARKETING officer of Procter & Gamble from 2001 to 2008. Stengel is currently the president and CEO of The Jim Stengel Company, where he advocates for ideals-driven businesses and brands. In December 2011, he released his first book, Grow: How Ideals Pow ...
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Neil Rackham
Neil Rackham is an author, consultant, and academic who is widely recognized as one of the founders of modern sales theory. Three of his books have been on the New York Times best seller list and his works have been translated into over 50 languages.
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George S. Day
George S. Day is an educator in the field of marketing. He is the Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor of marketing and co-Director of the Mack Institute for Innovation Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. His primary areas of activity are marketing, strategy making, organic growth and innovation, organizational change and competitive strategies in global markets.
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Robert Lawrence Kuhn
Robert Lawrence Kuhn (born 1944 in New York) is an international corporate strategist, investment banker, and public intellectual. He has a doctorate in brain research and he is a long-time adviser to China's leaders and the Chinese government; adviser to multinational corporations on China strategies and transactions; and a frequent commentator on business, finance (he is a columnist for China Da ...
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Paco Underhill
Paco Underhill is an environmental psychologist and the founder of a market research and consulting company called Envirosell. He employs the basic idea of environmental psychology, that our surroundings influence our behavior, to find ways of structuring man-made environments to make them conducive to retail purposes.  
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Peter Fisk
Peter Fisk is a bestselling author, inspirational keynote speaker and expert consultant in helping leaders to develop innovative strategies for business and brands.
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Gerald Zaltman
Gerald Zaltman received his AB degree in Government from Bates College in 1960. Two years later, he was awarded an MBA from the University of Chicago. He was awarded a Doctoral degree in Sociology from Johns Hopkins University in 1968.
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Faith Popcorn
Faith Popcorn (born as Faith Plotkin) is a futurist, author, and founder and CEO of marketing consulting firm BrainReserve. Her best-selling book is The Popcorn Report (1991).
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Al Ries
Al Ries is a marketing professional and author. He is also the co-founder and chairman of the Atlanta-based consulting firm Ries & Ries with his partner and daughter, Laura Ries. Along with Jack Trout, Ries coined the term "positioning", as related to the field of marketing, and authored Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind, an industry standard on the subject.
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Jack Trout
Jack Trout is an owner of Trout & Partners, a consulting firm. He is one of the founders and pioneers of positioning theory and also marketing warfare theory.  
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Regis McKenna
Regis McKenna is a marketer who introduced many of the ideas that are now part of the mainstream in technology marketing and who helped launch some of the major technical innovations of the computer age, including the first microprocessor (Intel Corporation), Apple's first personal computer (Apple Computer), the first recombinant DNA genetically engineered product (Genentech, Inc.), and the first  ...
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Jay Conrad Levinson
Jay Conrad Levinson (February 10, 1933 – October 10, 2013) was an American BUSINESS writer, known as author of the popular 1984 book "Guerrilla marketing."
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Lester Wunderman
Lester Wunderman (June 22, 1920) is an advertising executive widely considered the creator of modern-day direct marketing. His innovations include the magazine subscription card, the toll-free 1-800 number, loyalty rewards programs, and many more. He identified, named and defined the term "direct marketing" in a 1967 speech at MIT, and was inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame in 1998. &nbs ...
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Michael Porter
Michael Eugene Porter (born May 23, 1947 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)[2] is the Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at The Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, based at the Harvard Business School. He is a leading authority on competitive strategy and the competitiveness and economic development of nations, states, and regions. Michael Porter's work is recognized in many  ...
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Chris Anderson
Chris Anderson (born July 9, 1961 in London, United Kingdom) is a British-American author and entrepreneur. He was with The Economist for seven years before joining WIRED magazine in 2001, where he was the editor-in-chief until 2012. He is known for his 2004 article entitled The Long Tail; which he later expanded into the 2006 BOOK, The Long Tail: Why the Future of BUSINESS Is Selling Less of More ...
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Gary Hamel
Dr. Gary P. Hamel (born 1954) is an American management expert. He is a founder of Strategos, an international management consulting firm based in Chicago.
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