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Creative Concept
Totale: 3 risultati.
Tag: Creative Concept:Partial or Excessive Action
Gravity Cat
Armed with new gravity-shifting powers, Kat fights back to take down a fearsome enemy threatening to unravel the fabric of the universe. (  
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End Marmite Neglect
End Marmite Neglect In a bid to remind people to dig out their forgotten Marmite jars and put them on their kitchen tables again we launched the multi-media ‘Love it. Hate it. Just don't forget it.’ campaign. Featuring Marmite Rescue Teams around the country saving neglected jars of Marmite from people’s cupboards, the TV ad spoofed animal-rescue style documentaries and features a voiceover ...
The Hamster Stunt: Charlie the Hero
The Hamster Stunt: Charlie the Hero A hamster wheel was mounted on the steering wheel and by running in different directions, Charlie was able maneuver the truck from the bottom to the top of the quarry, despite his minuscule weight of only 175 grams. (