No ano em que comemora seu centenário no País, a IBM Brasil realizou na Pinacoteca de São Paulo o projeto ‘A Voz da Arte’, que usa a computação cognitiva para tornar o passeio ao museu ainda mais interativo e personalizado. A companhia criou um assistente cognitivo que responde perguntas dos visitantes sobre sete obras de arte do acervo da Pina. A visita guiada com a tecnologia IBM Watson foi aber ...
ING - Our Heroes Are Back
To mark ING’s sponsorship of the reopening of the historic Rijksmuseum, JWT Amsterdam brought the museum’s most famous work, Rembrandt’s ‘Night Watch’ back to life. In an epic 17th-century style reenactment, thirty gentlemen dressed as members of the Shooting Company of Franc Bannick Cocq flooded the floor of an unsuspecting shopping center in th ...
Facebook 1914
At a time when more than 24 million French people tell their daily lives through their facebook statuses, imagine what those same users, plunged suddenly in the din of the twentieth century would have had to tell whether the social network had existed in 1914. That's the whole idea of "Operation Facebook in 1914" for the Museum of the Great War of the Pays de Meaux.& ...
Art Never Seen - art auction without art pieces
As part of an exhibition and auction, where instead images were shown sets allowing hear descriptions of the works. In Thus, attention was paid to the need to install in museums kits audio for the blind. (