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Creative Concept
Totale: 5 risultati.
Tag: Level:Marketing mix level- Personal selling
Mobypark: Shared parking
Mobypark: Parking Sharing Service In this animation video you can get to know what is mobypark and how it works! Mobypark is a marketplace for driver and private parking owners. Drivers can make a reservation in a private parking owner, pay less and help the city to breath.  
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Transavia-eBay s'appuie sur un partenariat unique avec eBay en France et propose de convertir les objets inutilisés en billets d'avion. (
Massagge Bar Airport
In1993, Massage Bar was the first business of its kind to open and successfully operate in an airport location. The concept introduced the traveling public to the benefits of massage therapy by making it accessible, convenient, affordable and fun.  The philosophy behind Massage Bar was to take Massage mainstream, to bring it from behind closed doors.  20 years later, Massage Bar is recognized as t ...
Genius Bar - Apple
The Genius Bar is home to our resident Geniuses. Trained at Apple headquarters, they have extensive knowledge of Apple products and can answer all your technical questions. In fact, Geniuses can take care of everything from troubleshooting problems to actual repairs. Want to speak to a Genius? Make an appointment ahead of time to guarantee your space.