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Creative Concept
Totale: 5 risultati.
Tag: Prize:ADC Awards
First World Problems Anthem
First World Problems Anthem DDB New York announced recently that it is attempting to eliminate the #FirstWorldProblems hashtag on Twitter – the first mission to wipe out, instead of promote, a trending hashtag.#FirstWorldProblems showcases concerns that seem irritating to those living in wealthy, industrialized countries, yet come across as rather callous when compared to the issu ...
Sapeurs the latest Guinness ad celebrates real people with extraordinary integrity and character, in real situations, featuring the ‘society of elegant persons of the Congo’, otherwise known as the ‘Sapeurs’. (
News Bottle!
  News Bottle! In 2015 The Mainichi Newspapers created a campaign with the help of Densu Tokyo. They turned the mineral water packaging into the newspaper in order to target the young genreation.    
The Technician
The Technician Roland Svensson's head measures 275 mm. The new Volvo FMX has 300 mm of ground clearance. See what a few centimetres more space can do. (
Oreo Daily Twist
Oreo Daily Twist As part of the 100th birthday celebration, this real-time effort captured current events through the lens of an OREO illustrating milestones, news, celebrations and pop-culture conversations for 100 straight days. Link: