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Max's favourites
Totale: 31 risultati.
Tag: Prize:Epica Award
Apotek - Blowing in the wind
Apotek - Blowing in the wind This ad placed on a subway platform billboard for the pharmacy Apotek Hjärtats premium range of beauty care Apolosophy, went viral and spread organically in over 190 countries. All this without any media spend to promote the video. Instead, media outlets such as CNN, CBS, TIME and Huffington Post all wrote about the campaign. Sales exceeded targets during the campa ...
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Max's favourites:
"A hunter shoots a bear"
Tipp-ex Case Study - "A hunter shoots a bear" For the first time ever, we engaged viewers  and allowed them to change the name of a video and to rewrite the story. They created the Tippexperience. It started with a video called "a hunter shoots a bear". Viewers can write and rewrite anything they want. As many times as they want. Directly in the title of the video.  
The first app that lets you check in real time, millions of stories of the same news item and gives you the 6 most widely differing angles of coverage all over the world. Without any ideological or geographical bias. It starts like Shazam. Aim your mobile towards your tv or radio when they are talking about a topic you are interested in. In real time,YOURNALIST sends it to Watson,an IBM software t ...
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Samsung Maestros Academy
  Samsung Maestros Academy Italian craftsmanship has long been considered a renowned art form. Now, in a time when younger generations are gravitating to smartphones rather than toolboxes, expertise is only reminiscent of a bygone era. With the help of Leo Burnett Milan, Samsung created the first-ever digital conservatory called Maestros Academy to foster the next generation of  ...
Too Depressing
Too Depressing Du partnered up with VOX to offer people a mid-week taste of the weekend by offering two tickets for the price of one. To communicate the offer, the idea was based on true human insights about movie genres and entertainment. The result was a series of unique ads that bring out the different elements of what makes a movie much more enjoyable when watched with a friend. Li ...
End Marmite Neglect
End Marmite Neglect In a bid to remind people to dig out their forgotten Marmite jars and put them on their kitchen tables again we launched the multi-media ‘Love it. Hate it. Just don't forget it.’ campaign. Featuring Marmite Rescue Teams around the country saving neglected jars of Marmite from people’s cupboards, the TV ad spoofed animal-rescue style documentaries and features a voiceover ...
Classical Band Merchandise
  Classical Band Merchandise Young people show their love for their favorite bands by wearing tour shirts, hats and patches, etc. The musicians from the Swiss Youth Symphony Orchestra also wanted to show their love for classical composers in order to prove that classical music is not outdated and uncool. That’s why a range of Classical Band Merchandise has been developed – making Mozart a ...
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Sapeurs the latest Guinness ad celebrates real people with extraordinary integrity and character, in real situations, featuring the ‘society of elegant persons of the Congo’, otherwise known as the ‘Sapeurs’. (
The Hamster Stunt: Charlie the Hero
The Hamster Stunt: Charlie the Hero A hamster wheel was mounted on the steering wheel and by running in different directions, Charlie was able maneuver the truck from the bottom to the top of the quarry, despite his minuscule weight of only 175 grams. (
The Technician
The Technician Roland Svensson's head measures 275 mm. The new Volvo FMX has 300 mm of ground clearance. See what a few centimetres more space can do. (
The world's deepest site
 The world's deepest site Most mineral waters are drawn from a depth of around 100m, but this one is different. Borjomi is born in a volcanic spring, eight thousand metres below the Georgian countryside.(  
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Max's favourites:
The Invisible Drive
The Invisible Drive MERCEDES-BENZ B-CLASS F-CELL is the first hydrogen fuel cell technology ready for serial production worldwide. Its an alternative drive system that is already on the road with o.o emission. That means invisible to the environment. This thought was made real with a spectacular event - the first invisible car to drive through Germany. By covering one side of the B-Class F-CELL  ...
Rivers of Light
Rivers of Light From La Macarena, Meta, Army, Navy and Air Force kicked off this operation in order to carry messages and gifts from relatives and friends of people who are on the FARC guerrillas inviting them to demobilize for Christmas. The messages and gifts were placed in hundreds of Christmas balls that were later transported in boats and helicopters to be ignited and released in different  ...
Pennies For Life
Pennies For Life The average charity donor is unlikely to get a thank-you note that is broadcast to hundreds of people within seconds. But that's what happened to people giving money to the MicroLoan Foundation at a west London shopping centre in February. This case video shows how it was done. The messages were part of DLKW Lowe's Pennies for Life campaign for the charity, on a digital advertis ...
Please Dont Make Up Drive
Please Dont Make Up Drive Given a shockingly high figure of half a million car crashes a year caused by women drivers applying make-up (in the UK alone), awareness of this underestimated danger needs to be raised. Based on this insight the aim of a viral video by DDB Berlin and Volkswagen is to address a target audience of young women drivers and educate them about the danger of putting on make  ...
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The Bullying Simulator
  The Bullying Simulator In Sweden one out of three teens are bullied on the internet. To raise awareness on this terrible fact we created the Bullying Simulator, a facebook application were you can experience what it feels like to be bullied online. (  
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Rak'n'Roll Records - a charity record label
Rak'n'Roll Records - a charity record label Rak'n'Roll Records is the first charity music label . By selling tracks , collect money to help women after mastectomy . This innovation in thinking about social campaigns : the label will provide the foundation Rak'n'Roll source of funding for many years. On the can listen to songs by artists passed in mono , stereo version is avai ...
7 DAYS OF RAIN 7 Days in Rain is a unique experiment to confirm that GEOX Amphibiox really are the next generation of urban waterproof shoes. To prove this we let one man live for seven days in nonstop rain... in sunny Barcelona! A specially built personal cloud was made to keep our test subject in constant rain and each day was set out to replicate real life events; a day as a tourist, workin ...
Folkoperan - Branding Case
Folkoperan - Branding Case People’s perception of Folkoperan is largely shaped by the plays they put on, and less by their reason to be – to make opera more accessible to everyone, regardless of age and background. This was the reason for a new design programme. The Art Deco inspired Opera house building. The building’s colourful red interior is carried through in our stationery and packa ...
Klaus-Heidi Casefilm
Klaus-Heidi Casefilm Lufthansa are testing Swedes love for Berlin. All you have to do to win a new life is to change your name. To Klaus-Heidi. (
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