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The Story of M-Pesa
The Story of M-Pesa This 6-minute animation tells the story of how M-PESA, the popular mobile money transfer program, came to be in Kenya. It's narrated by Michael Joseph, the managing director of mobile money at Vodafone and the program's founder. The animation was produced as part of a series of online courses designed and delivered by the USAID Mobile Solutions Team, QED, and TechChange, a DC ...
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KitKat Mail
  KitKat Mail KIT KIT, when pronounced by Japanese, sounds like 'kitto katsu' which also means 'surely win'. With this happy coincidence, KIT KAT has been established as a good luck charm for the most important day in a Japanese student's life - university entrance exams. Our challenge, was to find a new, innovative and meaningful way to expand this brand beyond the student target, increa ...